This section provides practical examples of how to create and use different types of Actions. Each example includes a description of the Action's purpose, the complete Action object, and explanations of key components.
1.6.1 Simple Transfer Action
Here's an example of a simple transfer action that allows users to donate a fixed amount of ETH:
import { Action, TransferAction } from '@actions/sdk';
const donationAction: Action = {
title: "Donate ETH",
icon: "<>",
description: "Support our project by donating 0.1 ETH",
label: "Donate Now",
links: [
type: "transfer-action",
label: "Donate 0.1 ETH",
address: {
type: "constant",
id: "projectAddress",
value: "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"
value: "100000000000000000", // 0.1 ETH in wei
success: {
message: "Thank you for your donation of 0.1 ETH!"
error: {
message: "Donation failed. Please ensure you have sufficient funds and try again."
} as TransferAction
error: {
message: "An error occurred while processing the donation. Please try again later."
Key points about this example:
It uses a TransferAction to send a fixed amount of ETH (0.1) to a specified address.
The recipient address is defined as a constant parameter.
Success and error messages are provided for both the transfer action and the overall action.
1.6.2 Donation Action
This example demonstrates a more complex Action that allows users to donate DAI tokens with various options:
It provides multiple donation options: a custom amount and fixed amounts of 10, 50, and 100 DAI.
Each donation option is represented as a separate transaction (tx) in the links array.
The DAI token contract address is used for all transactions.
Global inputs (like the user's wallet address) are used alongside user inputs and constants.
A "Learn more" link is provided for additional information.
This example showcases how to create a more complex Action with multiple options for the user, demonstrating the flexibility of the Actions SDK in handling various scenarios.
1.6.3 Multi Transaction Action
This example showcases a more complex Action that involves multiple transactions for a token swap:
It uses a tx-multi type to perform a token swap, which involves multiple transactions.
The first transaction approves the swap router to spend the user's tokens.
The second transaction performs the actual token swap.
It uses a mix of constant parameters, user inputs, and global inputs.
The displayConfig is set to show the transactions as a combined action, with the second transaction (the actual swap) being the primary one displayed.
A "Learn more" link is provided for users who want additional information about token swapping.
This example demonstrates how to create more complex, multi-step blockchain interactions using the Actions SDK, showcasing its ability to handle sophisticated DeFi operations.
1.6.4 NFT Sale Action
This example demonstrates how to create an Action for selling an NFT:
import { Action, ActionError, LinkedAction, chainId } from 'actions-sdk';
const error: ActionError = {
'NFT Sale Action: An unexpected error occurred during the NFT sale process',
const links: LinkedAction[] = [
type: 'tx',
label: 'Buy Milady #234 for PLACEHOLDER_VALUE ETH',
chainId: chainId.ETHEREUM_MAINNET,
txData: {
address: '0x5Af0D9827E0c53E4799BB226655A1de152A425a5',// NFTActionHelper contract address
abi: 'fulfillOrder(address,uint256)',
parameters: [
type: 'constant',
id: 'tokenAddress',
value: '0x5Af0D9827E0c53E4799BB226655A1de152A425a5',
type: 'constant',
id: 'tokenId',
value: 'PLACEHOLDER_VALUE',// Should be price of NFT in wei
success: {
message: 'NFT Sale successful! Check your wallet!',
error: {
message: 'NFT Sale failed!',
export const nftSaleAction: Action = {
title: 'Collection Name #tokenID',// e.g. "Milady #234"
icon: '',
description: 'Buy Milady #234',
label: 'NFT Sale',
links: links,
error: error,
Key points about this example:
It uses a tx type to perform the NFT sale transaction.
The action is set up to interact with an NFTActionHelper contract to fulfill the order.
Placeholder values are used for the token ID and price, which would be replaced with actual values in a real implementation.
The action is configured for the Ethereum mainnet.
1.6.5 ERC-20 Payment Action
This example shows how to create an Action for making a payment using an ERC-20 token: